Neurology is a branch of Medicine in which a Neurologist treats a patient for injuries and diseases with medical Management and sometimes minor procedures in the Central and peripheral nervous system.
Neurology is a branch of Medicine in which a Neurologist treats a patient for injuries and diseases with medical Management and sometimes minor procedures in the Central and peripheral nervous system.
1000+ epilepsy patients treated successfully including drug refractory epilepsy ( epilepsy surgery and other non drug newer therapies.
Specialized in VEEG interpretation and intra op monitoring in epilepsy surgeries.
Stereo EEG planning and epileptic foci localization
Treated 1000+ stroke patients including pediatric, young stroke and pregnant women with stroke, Successfully thrombolysed many stroke patients within window period; worked in many stroke centers.
Stroke rehabilitation :
Skilled in BOTOX administration
Successfully treated 5000+ patients with satisfactory results with chronic pain conditions
Alzheimers/parkinsons/ other diseases: Ample experience treating and in improving the QOL of the people with neuro Degenerative disorders.
Adequate experience in treating patients with autoimmune disorders with immunomodulators like
IVIG, Rituximab etc
Dr.Arun Kumar.M,
MBBS., MD., DM Neurology
PDF in epilepsy (PDCC )
Consultant Neurologist and Epileptologist
Special interests: epilepsy, neurodegenerative disorders, autoimmune disorders